Freelance blog writing services in Brighton

lightbulb containing the word blog

  • Is writing your business blog becoming a fruitless slog?
  • Is all your hard work just not working for you?
  • Have you ever wondered if blogging can be about dynamic results rather than mechanical posts?

Then it’s time we talked.

I’m a Brighton-based freelance blog writer who is brimming with ideas that will help you stop blogging a dead horse!

Check out my client testimonials. You’ll see that I also can help you make your content work harder, your site gain search visibility and your social media presence grow.

Sounds good? Then give me a call: there’s friendly advice and insightful comments free with every enquiry!

 “You don’t write because you want to say something,
you write because you have something to say.”

F. Scott Fitzgerald

Did your blogging highlights not materialise?


pop art woman upset her blog didn´t deliver

There are plenty of blog writing services out there.

The good news for businesses is that it’s really not hard to find agencies willing to write your blog for you. So you are free to concentrate on doing what you do best: growing your business.

But here’s the rub: your blog should be part of your strategy for growing your business.

What good is a generic blog that just adds words to your site?

What you actually need is a blog that adds value to your site. Far too many blog posts read like they have been trotted off a conveyor belt.


Because far too many businesses have been told they must blog once a week to create fresh content for their site.

Sorry, but this is not what blogging is all about. And I’m going to show you exactly what it is all about in just a moment. Right now, though, let’s just remember that your blog should be written for your audience, and not for the supposed schedule of a search engine robot.

And one more thing: don’t let anyone tell you that a blog is always a 3-400 word piece.

It’s a crazy idea that there is a perfect word-count for a piece of writing. If you’ve got something to say, make sure it’s said clearly: once it is you have your word-count. As we all know from politicians very little of substance can be said in soundbites.

To stop blogging a dead horse you are going to need to add value to your blog.

When it stops seeming like hard work, and starts actually working, blogging gets exciting again. And it becomes worthwhile. And useful. Perhaps it may even become essential.

Let’s talk about some of the ways your blog can become all killer and no filler.

 “Business blogging can be one of the most important tools in tying traffic and leads to a corporate website by generating content that search engines value and people enjoy sharing on social networks.”
Kipp Bodnar

The lowdown on what your blog could be doing for your business


Cartoon image of manager asking staff ´where is that blog´

Here are some areas of your business that your blog could be helping with right now.

Customer journey

  • To convince those at the start of their buying journey to carry on.
  • To convert those at the end of their buying journey to carry through.

I can help you with internal links and social content promotion to raise the visibility of these types of posts.


Link building and SEO

  • To attract links to enhance your search engine positions (in a way that more specific product and service pages simply won’t).
  • To target longer tail search terms that the rest of the site, in its relentless drive for big hits, simply sleeps on.

I can help you with keyword research, influencer engagement and content marketing to raise the visibility of these types of posts.

Reputation and brand building

  • To position you as an expert in your field.
  • To nail your brand values to the mast.

I can help you with the research, copywriting and outreach to establish your credentials.

And, yes, blogs can also add fresh content to your site. (But, hopefully, you can see that the value of this is negligible compared to the potential returns from other things.)

“Today it’s important to be present, be relevant and add value.”
Nick Besbeas

It’s your blog, but how can we make it effective?


You may not have the time, or skills, to blog effectively for your business, but you most certainly have the knowledge about what your customers need, what your company offers and what its position is in the local, national and international market. And this is what your blog really needs.

  • Let’s talk and start making your blog work for you, without you feeling the burden of having to work for it.
  • Let’s start posting results rather than posting pages.
  • Let’s start creating truly fresh content: not just new content, but invigorating, interesting content.
  • Let’s start creating posts that are useful for both your business and your audience.

There is nothing wrong with a 3-400 word post, unless, of course, that’s all your blog consists of.

  • Or a list of useful resources for those seeking more information?
  • Or a comparison table highlighting your benefits?
  • Or simply something that directly addresses the concerns of your customers without trailing off just as it gets to the heart of the matter?

Blog writing is personal


robots surround woman


If you want a blog that is about your business, your customers and your industry then it’s time to come off the conveyor belt of blog posting and start personalising your posts.

I can help create meaningful blogs that post results rather than just add pages.

And that’s where blogging becomes exciting again.

Let’s do it…